- Clarity Characteristics
- Impact
- External
- Inclusions
- Identity
- Stone
- Oval Fancy Shape
- Oval Brilliants
- Quality
- Analysis
- Report
- Well proportioned
- Explaining Price
- Beauty of a Stone
- 58 Standard Round Brilliant
- Optical Effects
- Fire equals dispersion
- Micrometer
- Leveridge
- Formulas
- Careful measurement
- estimated diamensions
- Curation
- TrefuGems
- Workflow
- Office
- Printer
- Coffee
Keyword Septmber / 2021
Historical Keywords for September 15, 2021:
- 1616 First Free Public School in Italy
- 1656 France Signs the Treaty of Brussels
- 1789 Department of State (US) New name for Department of Foreign Affairs
- 1952 Formation of EU parliament Strasbourg.
KeyWords – Videos Premium Food Fashion and Champagne UK:
- Majority of the Store
- Just have to Buy it.
- Really cool packaging.
- Really good at Christmas.
- Packaging is intense
- Comes in for a bit of a Mooch. (Get something to eat)
- Every single brand you can think of.
- How gorgeous is that?
- Cactus,Cacti
- Absolutely Stunning
- Second hand bits for weddings
- Yummy bag.
- This got redone
- Proper High End.
- Modern Brands. Super Cool.
- Champagne Bar
- Spend your money people
- Lets get things going
- This is my go to place.
- Scoot around the store.
- Selfridges a good place to hang out with your friends.
- Instagrammy Place
- Loads of lovely shoes
- Like looking at silly things.
- Waiting system for Chanel
- Sparkly shoes
- All I wear are Trainers
- Chanel. Oh my Gosh.
- Absolute Yes.
- Remember when I was at Uni.
- Queue at the Cafe
- Saturday Shopping